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  • debian/0.5.3-1
    c147e791 · changelog ·
    heudiconv Debian release 0.5.3-1
  • v0.5.3
    [0.5.3] - 2019-01-12
    Minor hot bugfix release
    - Do not shorten spaces in the dates while pretty printing .json
  • debian/0.5.2-1
    heudiconv Debian release 0.5.2-1
  • v0.5.2
    [0.5.2] - 2019-01-04
    A variety of bugfixes
    - Reproin heuristic: `__dup` indices would now be assigned incrementally
      individually per each sequence, so there is a chance to properly treat
      associate for multi-file (e.g. `fmap`) sequences
    - Reproin heuristic: also split StudyDescription by space not only by ^
    - `tests/` moved under `heudiconv/tests` to ease maintenance and facilitate
      testing of an installed heudiconv
    - Protocol name will also be accessed from private Siemens
      csa.tProtocolName header field if not present in public one
    - nipype>=0.12.0 is required now
    - Multiple files produced by dcm2niix are first sorted to guarantee
      correct order e.g. of magnitude files in fieldmaps, which otherwise
      resulted in incorrect according to BIDS ordering of them
    - Aggregated top level .json files now would contain only the fields
      with the same values from all scanned files. In prior versions,
      those files were not regenerated after an initial conversion
    - Unicode handling in anonimization scripts
  • v0.5.1
    Heudiconv v0.5.1
  • debian/0.5-1
    heudiconv Debian release 0.5-1
  • v0.5
    0ac43d67 · boost version to 0.5 ·
    The first release after major refactoring:
    - Refactored into a proper `heudiconv` Python module
      - `heuristics` is now a `heudiconv.heuristics` submodule
      - you can specify shipped heuristics by name (e.g. `-f reproin`)
        without providing full path to their files
      - you need to use `--files` (not just positional argument(s)) if not
        using `--dicom_dir_templates` or `--subjects` to point to data files
        or directories with input DICOMs
    - `Dockerfile` is generated by [neurodocker](
    - Logging verbosity reduced
    - Increased leniency with missing DICOM fields
    - `dbic_bids` heuristic renamed into reproin
    - [LICENSE](
      with Apache 2.0 license for the project
    - [](
    - [Regression testing]( on real data (using datalad)
    - A dedicated [ReproIn]( project
      with details about ReproIn setup/specification and operation using
      `reproin` heuristic shipped with heudiconv
    - [utils/](utils/
      helper to compare conversions with two different versions of heudiconv
    - Support for converters other than `dcm2niix`, which is now the default.
      Explicitly specify `-c none` to only prepare conversion specification
      files without performing actual conversion
    - Compatibility with Nipype 1.0, PyDicom 1.0, and upcoming DataLad 0.10
    - Consistency with converted files permissions
    - Ensured subject id for BIDS conversions will be BIDS compliant
    - Re-add `seqinfo` fields as column names in generated `dicominfo`
    - More robust sanity check of the regex reformatted .json file to avoid
      numeric precision issues
    - Many other various issues
  • debian/0.4-1
    heudiconv Debian release 0.4-1
  • v0.4
    A "usable" release!
    Since v0.3 a number of fixes (permissions settings, handling of datalad
    support, etc).
    TODO: We need to establishg a ChangeLog ;)
  • v0.3
    (non-official) "release"
    Lots of improvements, hard to state now exactly what, but among them better
    python3 support, more heuristics, etc.  The beast starts to get used by others!
  • v0.2
    (non-official) "release"
    Initial release on the way to support DBIC use-case
    - basic testing
    - groupping of dicoms by series if provided
  • v0.1
    Release v0.1