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The first release after major refactoring:

- Refactored into a proper `heudiconv` Python module
  - `heuristics` is now a `heudiconv.heuristics` submodule
  - you can specify shipped heuristics by name (e.g. `-f reproin`)
    without providing full path to their files
  - you need to use `--files` (not just positional argument(s)) if not
    using `--dicom_dir_templates` or `--subjects` to point to data files
    or directories with input DICOMs
- `Dockerfile` is generated by [neurodocker](
- Logging verbosity reduced
- Increased leniency with missing DICOM fields
- `dbic_bids` heuristic renamed into reproin
  with Apache 2.0 license for the project
- [](
- [Regression testing]( on real data (using datalad)
- A dedicated [ReproIn]( project
  with details about ReproIn setup/specification and operation using
  `reproin` heuristic shipped with heudiconv
- [utils/](utils/
  helper to compare conversions with two different versions of heudiconv
- Support for converters other than `dcm2niix`, which is now the default.
  Explicitly specify `-c none` to only prepare conversion specification
  files without performing actual conversion
- Compatibility with Nipype 1.0, PyDicom 1.0, and upcoming DataLad 0.10
- Consistency with converted files permissions
- Ensured subject id for BIDS conversions will be BIDS compliant
- Re-add `seqinfo` fields as column names in generated `dicominfo`
- More robust sanity check of the regex reformatted .json file to avoid
  numeric precision issues
- Many other various issues