Explore projects
OnboardingGrp / WelcomeWiki
MIT LicenseThis is a project that contains most of the information that is needed by newcomers to Caos Lab!
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MonkeyLab / psychopy_pellet_dispenser
MIT LicenseUpdated -
A utility for translating student made scratch projects into JS code ready for use at The Primate Portal
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developers / JSExperimentsLayout
MIT LicenseThis is a project which main goal is to develop a layout UI for experiment building that later on can be deployed in Jatos or any website.
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ResearchersGrp / Brain Imaging Pipeline Analysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Hugo Angulo / fMRI_Anonymizer
MIT LicenseThis project contains a series of scripts that had been merged to perform 2 steps:
This is a best effort option to follow HIPAA guidelines.
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MonkeyLab / NHP Face recognition
MIT LicenseThis project has been created with the aim of creating a Deep Learning/Machine Learning model to recognize a group of NHP individuals from a set of still pictures. This project consists of different layers of DL/ML models that are connected.
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Hugo Angulo / Database Systems Crash Course
MIT LicenseThis is a course in which you will learn the ins and outs of SQL and Non-SQL databases.
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Hugo Angulo / NodeJS_Crash_Course
MIT LicenseThis is a project created to deploy a website for the NodeJS Crash Course.
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Hugo Angulo / hugo_sample
MIT LicenseExample Hugo site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/hugo
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Hugo Angulo / pages_me
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Hugo Angulo / Tutorial_Project
MIT LicenseThis is a tutorial on how to use GitLab for CAOs Lab folks!
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Matlab scripts that convert brain data from non-BV formats to BV formats.
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